October 2016: All Natural
Switzerland: Before and After by Jennifer Dziekan
Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Life in Switzerland by Tanya Deans
Another Mother’s Milk: The All-Natural Alternative by Johanna Sargeant
Celery Root Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds by Heddi Nieuwsma
Seven Natural Strategies for a Flu-free Winter by Masha Ellis
Out in the Garden on a Fine Day by Aradhna Sethi
Nature Paintbrushes by Rachel Blate
Baby Baby | Babies and Toddlers: How Their Immature Brains Make Them Tick
Crafty Kids | Frames for Your Beautiful Memories
Expat Corner | A New Way of Seeing: What Is “Natural” for an Expat?
Expat Bump | Halfway to Baby
Family Health I A Good Night’s Sleep
Fathering | Whatever Feels Right
In the Kitchen | Homemade Applesauce Fruit Rollups
La Leche League | Breastmilk as a Natural Remedy for What Ails You
Out & About | Hiking in the Footsteps of Dürrenmatt
Recommended Reading | The Big Swiss Colouring Book
Twinville | Striking a Balance with Discipline
Third Culture Matters | Home Cred
Don’t forget to check out What’s On for October / November 2016.
Illustration by Laura Munteanu
October / November 2016 Issue Contributors
Column and Feature Editors: Tanya Deans, Dina El-Halaby, Liz Le Feuvre, Carol McDonald, Karin Mohler, Michelle Seaton Witte, Andrea Snashall
Webmaster / Layout Designer: Tanya Deans
Chief Copyeditor: Carol McDonald
Writers: Rachel Blate, Beth Brupbacher, Tanya Deans, Jennifer Dziekan, Masha Ellis, Tammy Furey, Dina El Halaby, Laura Hollis, Dr Jahura Hossain, Carol McDonald, Karin Mohler, Teresa Mueller, Heddi Nieuwsma, Albina Nogueira, Johanna Sargeant, Aradhna Sethi, Monica Shah, Rachael Soster Smith, Franziska Wick, Brian Wilson, Christine Wheatley – Hostettler
Illustration Coordinator: Laura Munteanu
Illustrators: Rachel Blate (photos), BVisual (Beth), Masha Ellis, Lara Friedrich, Samuel Hollis (photos), Daniel Müller (photos), Laura Munteanu, Albina Nogueira, Heddi Nieuwsma (photos), Johanna Sargeant (photos)
Proofreader: Andrea Snashall
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest Moderators: Andrea Snashall, Kate Prinsloo
Advertising Coordinator: Clare Ferrari
Finance: Iliana Eichholzer
Communications: Andrea Snashall, Clare Ferrari
Logo: Suzanne Evans-Ackermann
Web Designer: Maximilian Wulf