April 2014: Transport and Travel
We in the Western world are so very mobile today, and probably most of you who read Mothering Matters have likely come a considerable way from your home country in order to live in Switzerland.
Air travel is amazing but can also be stressful when it involves energetic, emotional little darlings with or without delays. And transport is much more than airplanes, of course. Here in Switzerland, especially in the cities, we can employ and enjoy many means of transport with our tram- and train-happy kids. Beyond that is the question of, for example, just having a functioning vehicle to transport necessary supplies – a problem most of us here will never face.
I had the idea for this issue when a friend mentioned two potential articles to me: one by an Englishman who could write about the origin of Swiss railways, and her own contribution about a charity that provides and maintains motorcycles to be used to deliver medical and other goods to remote African villages. Transport! I thought. And two very interesting aspects of it. The Swiss railways article will appear on this website in the second week of April; the motorcycle one is up now.
I hope that our readers will enjoy these two musings on transport and travel, as well as the many other explorations, by our other writers, of how we move through our world.
By Carol McDonald, Editor
History of Swiss Railways
Riders for Health
Public Transport with Kids in Switzerland – coming soon!
Engaging Games to Play On the Way
Crafty Kids | Mini Helicopter
Education | “Mummy, I Want to Be a Tram Driver When I Grow Up!”
Family Health | Flying When Pregnant
Fathering | Pack ‘em Up!
In the Kitchen | Travel Snacks: Fruit and Nut Bars
La Leche League | A “Call to Arms” for the Journey Through Life
Out & About | Exploring the Lake Constance/Bodensee Region by Foot, Boat and Aircraft
Project Mummy | Have Baby, Will Travel…Or Not
Recommended Reading | coming soon!
Third Culture Matters | Traveling Through Carnival Crowds
Twinville | Fly Me to the Moon
Don’t forget to check out What’s On for April and May 2014.
Illustrations by Laura Munteanu
Laura has studied Journalism and Advertising, and has been working as a journalist and an illustrator. She has been illustrating for magazines, websites, charity and different campaigns. She lives in Zurich with her husband and her 5 -year- old daughter.
Contributors April 2014 Issue
Coordinating Editor: Carol McDonald
Writers: Melissa Birchler, Karen Clayton, Tanya Deans, Dina El Halaby, Jahura Hossain, Joanna Koch, Carol McDonald, Karin Mohler, Teresa Müller, Albina Nogueira, Monica Shah, Bryan Stone, Brian Wilson
Copyeditor: Carol McDonald
Illustrators: Lara Friedrich, Susana Gutierrez, Laura Munteanu, Albina Nogueira, Jen Bognar
Proofreader: Andrea Snashall
Illustration Coordinators: Laura Munteanu, Albina Nogueira
Logo: Suzanne Evans–Ackermann
Communication: Claire Petersen, Andrea Snashall
Webmaster / Layout Designer: Tanya Deans
Web Designer: Maximilian Wulf
Website Moderator: Andrea Snashall
Facebook Page Moderators: Tanya Deans, Andrea Snashall, Jahura Hossain
Advertising Coordinator: Iliana Eichholzer